Personally I hate eating bananas but love them in smoothies and in bread. Does that make me strange? I always buy a surplus of bananas because my family loves to eat them, but sometimes they become over ripe before anyone has a chance to eat them. Making banana bread is a good way to salvage them so you don't have to waste them. Here I want to share with you my famous gluten free banana oat blueberry bread recipe. You can substitute regular white flour, but using oat flour makes it healthier and gluten free as regular flour had gluten. Check out my post HERE about how to make your own oat flour. However if you don't have the time or patience to make your own, you can simply buy in stores or even oat flour online.
Equipment you will need
- 1 3/4 - 2 cups oat flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 3 ripe bananas
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 egg
- Handful on blueberries
- Dash of cinnamon (optional)
- 1 tsp vanilla (optional)
- 1 tsp nutmeg (optional)

- Mix all dry ingredients (flour and baking powder) in large bowl
- In another bowl mash bananas using a masher. If you don't have a masher you can use a fork
- Add oil, sugar, spices, vanilla to banana mixture, and mix
- Beat egg into banana mixture
- Add flour mixture to banana mixture, but not all at once, and stir with spatula
- Mixture should be thick not runny (you may not use all of your flour mixture or may need to add extra tablespoons to get right consistency
- Fold blueberries into mixture using spatula
- Spray 9x5 bread pan lightly with cooking oil spray
- Pour mixture into pan
- Sometimes I like to use a muffin pan to easily eat as a quick snack or breakfast
- You can add oatmeal flakes on top for a little flair in appearance
- Preheat oven to 325 degrees F or 163 C
- Once oven is preheated, Bake approximately 1 hour -1.5 hrs
- Bread will be golden brown, when ready
- Let sit 10-15 minutes before cutting
- Enjoy!